we are one


we are one soul,

you and me.

In the show

and hide you in me,

I am in you.

Here is the deeper meaning

of my relationship with you,

Because there is nor I, nor you.

between you and me.” 


We are intrinsically connected - each individual thread in the vast tapestry of existence. 


The seven elements: earth, air, fire, water, space, time and consciousness interweave, forming the fabric of life itself. None can exist in isolation; their harmony is the essence of our perpetual dance. 


Our bodies are intricate networks of flow encompassing  blood, lymph, nerve and emotions. For optimal health, this flow must remain free of blockages, without dams, obstacles or detours. Our physical and mental well-being depends on an unhindered flow, unburdened by emotional baggage.  By letting go of the past, releasing grievances, and moving beyond the people and situations that rile us, we can achieve this. Letting go allows us to free ourselves from the tightness and constraints that bind us; cultivating a state of openness and harmony.


Across millennia, humanity has delved into nature’s mysteries seeking understanding of our purpose and journey, poring over ancient civilisations, religious texts and timeless art etched in stone to find the answers. 

Maybe the answer is the journey. A journey to lightness, a state of being filled with joy and wonder, which would enable us to fully realise our true potential and embrace our true nature. 


When the realisation dawns that we are interconnected, our collective vision will be guided by a shared purpose towards attaining peace. This unity transcends individual perspectives and fosters a harmonious collaboration aimed at creating a world where understanding, compassion and cooperation prevail. In embracing our oneness we acknowledge the inherent dignity and worth of every being, cultivating empathy and solidarity as we navigate the complexities of existence. Ultimately, it is through this united vision rooted in our interconnectedness that we forge a path towards lasting peace, both within ourselves and in the world around us. 

It is in the collective existence that we find strength, comfort and purpose. If we want to make our lives more meaningful, we need to weave a tapestry of unity and belonging.


Yin embodies the feminine, drawing inward with its stillness, darkness and depth, while yang radiates outward, vibrant with heat, light and positivity. Yet they are not adversaries; rather they compliment and coexist - depicted in the harmonious balance of the yin-yang symbol. In this equilibrium lies the path to true harmony - where no element overwhelms the other, and balance reigns supreme. Men and women embody both yin and yang. Yin represents receptivity, intuition and nurturing often associated with femininity. Yang embodies action , logic and assertiveness traditionally linked with masculinity. However both men and women possess a balance of theses energies. In every person Yin and yang interact dynamically creating a holistic and balanced individual. Recognising that both genders contain and can harmonise these aspects, fosters a deeper understanding of the human nature transcending rigid gender stereotypes and allowing for a more integrated and authentic expression of self. 


Final thoughts - Within the rhythm of existence, we discover beauty in the mundane - the smile exchanged, the laughter shared, the warmth of the human touch - elements that define our humanity. 

Focus not on the differences among us,  but rather  highlight the similarities that will draw us back to oneness.  In a world that emphasises our differences it is crucial to shift our perspective and recognise the threads that unite us. If we focus on the commonalities that bridge the gaps between us we can foster a sense of unity and togetherness.  Our shared joys, sorrows and hopes for the future are what make us fundamentally the same. Embrace the beauty found in the ordinary and cherish the human connectedness that weave our collective narrative. Let us celebrate the similarities that draw us back to a sense of oneness, reinforcing our idea that we are one.



The divine in me bows to the divine in you


unleash your inner peace